Tournament Information
Luck of the Draw Tournament Series is a monthly tournament trail. Boaters and Co- Anglers will be fishing as a team the entirety of the series, with two alternatives accepted for a single season. Accumulation of points will determine standings and qualification for the championship. Lakes will be drawn the following after each tournament. The top 50% or top 10 teams (Whichever is greater) will qualify for the championship tournament. Championship tournament lake will be voted on by club members who have fished the qualifying amount of tournaments for that season.
- Pays back 95% of Entry Fees:
- 85% to payout
- 10% to Big Bass
- Pays out 1 place per every 5 entries
- AOY winners will be determined by most overall points
- Must fish 5 out 8 tournaments to qualify for AOY & Championship
Entry fee:
- $200/ team
- Annual Club Membership: $40